Wednesday, March 23, 2011

technology is great!!

NOT!! its really getting on my nerves that I had to buy a new computer, have to put all my music back into a new itunes (6000+ songs) and now its not reading the artists and song names so I have to put them in manually, that is way too time consuming!! why cant they just make things easy on me!! I am getting tired of this already, and have only done like 70 songs!! I bought an apple so that it was all the same. I have a apple computer, ipod and phone, why cant they all just work together!!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

I did something nice

I decided, after my last post to do something nice.. I am "sponsoring" a soldier over sea's. I went online and found a name on and got his address and found out what he wanted, went to wal-mart, bought deodorant, body wash, snacks and some other things and mailed it to him. I sent him a 8-10-12 box full of things, the items itself only cost me 30 dollars to buy and 12 dollars to ship. I wrote him a letter telling him how much I appriciate all that he does for this country. I will contiure to send him items until he is out of harms way in the country he is in, until oct. 2011 and then I will find some one else to help. Some of the people on this site dont have familys that keep in contact with them, to send them things other people get, including just a letter saying Hi!

I did this, but you dont have to, I did it cause I am greatfull of all the military does to protect us.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

everyone does it... or do they?

I have seen sooooo many post recently saying "I will post this for at least an hour will you?" I dont think that posting that all the disasters happen on the 11th will make them stop happening, I dont think that if you post that you love God, that will get you into heaven, I dont think that if you post about the military men and women coming home they will... I think that if you want to help people after the disaster happens donate some money, that if you believe in God pray, and if you want to help our military men and women, write them a letter or send them a care package!! thats my quick rant!!

Monday, March 14, 2011

life with Mac

Today I received my new Mac!! it is great!! I have spent the last few hours on it, Skyping with Meg. She showed me around, tought me all the cool things I can do on it. I love it! AAAAAAAANNNNNNNNDDDDDDDD Meg is going to get me a purple case for it for my bday!! soooooo excited!!