Monday, February 4, 2013

Me time!

I had a mental break this weekend, and I think I have figured out why. I think there are 2 things I really need to be doing in my day to day life to improve my health, mentally and physically. The first thing I am going to start doing is I need to run, 3 times a week which will give me some regularity in working out, and increase my endorphins and my mood. (also making me skinnier so then in turn happier!) I am also going to start setting aside 1 weekend a month (or 6 weeks at most) aside to go do something new, something out of town (doesn't have to be far). I will look up some touristy things, talk to friends that have lived here for years, get ideas and then make the plans.. I think it is very important for me to do this so I am not just sitting at home or work day after day. so please share with me some ideas you might have for me to try!