Friday, December 3, 2010

one week, one month

is it really true? in one week I will be on my way to GA to visit, and it (about) one month I will be on my way to GA to live!! I am very excited bout this, as you have noticed as its been the theme for most of my recent talks. I have been talking to a few people about this decision, trying to make sure I have made the right now, I am so glad that you have done this for me. there is alot to thing about, I realized today, I wont get to get out like I do now (not that I should) they dont have what we have here in CA, and where I am going is also so far out of the city they dont have much of anything. If I am correct in the matter they have a McDonalds, Burger King, KFC and that is all I know of. Its about an hour from Savanna the closest city around that has more then a wal-mart. I am going through all my stuff, condensing what I have. I have an old comforter that I was given from my grandma, now passed away, that I am having a really hard time letting go of, that was until my BFF suggested cutting a piece of it and letting her make me an ordimant out of it, although I had a dream last night that I was thinking maybe she could make it into a smaller throw blanket and some pillows to snuggle on the couch would be a great way to remember my grandma!! (now I just have to tell her bout this great idea)

the movie tonight (coffee and cigarettes) was canceled very sad. I sat at home on a friday night bored. tomorrow is off to ship boxes to GA!!

1 comment:

  1. Sorry about the movie tonight. I literally just finished hw after working since 7:45am. I'm exhausted and going to bed... I'll give you a call tomorrow and we can meet up.
