Tuesday, November 22, 2011


sometimes you just want a change... right now thats how I feel.. I might be losing my job soon.. maybe a move is in my near future.. Ill get a crap job waitressing since it seems to be the only good thing I am good at any more.. that or Ill marry some rich guy to take care of me.. why cant life just be easy? why am I a wandering spirit? why cant I just stay in one place?

Monday, November 14, 2011

I have freinds

get over it! yes some are girls, some are guys.. some are straight some are gay! I dont care, we are just friends.. nothing more.. I care bout you.. I dont care who thinks we shouldnt be friends.. I will be your friend! those who think I shouldnt, I dont give a flying duck!

Sunday, November 6, 2011


why do people betray the ones they care about? every one is full of deceit, lies, and cons. If you want to talk to me dont lie, dont be deceitful, and dont try to con your way out of the situation you put your self in.. This goes for guys, girls, friends, and family. I am going to tell you how it is, if you dont like it, walk away, please extend the same courtesy to me. I am a good person, and you can be too...